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Stay for the exhale...

You're ONE Class Away From A Good Mood

Many yoga coaches (yours truly included) have a motto on practice frequency; It goes a little something like this:

Practice once a week, and you'll get sore.

Practice three times a week, and you'll get fit.

Practice every day and you will transform your life.

Our yoga practice, just like life, is a constant evolution. Everyday brings a new set of circumstances, energy levels, challenges and achievements. One of the incredible benefits of a daily (or at least very consistent) practice is often our mat reflects our lives back to us. How we handle and face challenges on the mat mirrors how we handle and face challenges within our lives. A pose that once seemed far out of reach and unfathomable suddenly becomes possible and eventually, comfortable. Reflecting into our lives, we may notice a long-held grudge or anger suddenly melting as we practice surrender and letting go. Events or interactions that were once explosive now are now small blips on the map as our lens has offered more peace, kindness and patience. Similarly, gaining confidence through the progressive asana series, our daily practice can help us become more empowered, surefooted, and help to find our voice.

The small, daily changes often go unnoticed, however looking back on the road traveled, a significant shift has occurred. Yoga is not a destination, but a journey of the self, through the self, to the self. It’s a constant conversation softly shepherding us into the present moment. A pose easily done yesterday may bring new challenges today. It’s about letting go of the expectations of yesterday and tomorrow and working with who we are in this moment and the set of circumstances of today.

I can’t wait to see you on your mats this week. A little reminder that class times tend to fill quickly so please reserve a spot if you can make it out. Here is the upcoming schedule:

Small-Group Sessions : Monday | July 20 | 6:30pm

Tuesday | July 21 | 6:00pm Wednesday | July 22 | 5:00pm Thursday | July 23 | 8:30am Thursday | July 23 | 5:30pm *1st Small-Group Session is complementary so bring a friend, colleague, neighbor, sibling, etc. :)

Why hoard all the fun when you can share it? ** If a class shows full, email me! I may be able to sneak you in.

How to reserve a spot in a Small Group Class:

  • log-on

  • click either the small calendar link at the top right of page, OR scroll down to Small-Group Sessions below the main page and click Weekly Schedule(both links are circled red in the image)

  • a calendar page will open. choose the day & time you're able to join in and register. :)

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