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Stay for the exhale...

#100DaysOfYBL | Get In The Mental Game

While riding isn't "yoga" per se, each and everytime I climb onto my horse I embrace and utlizize all of my yoga techniques. As a riders, we constantly seek to develop the ability to communicate physically and emotionally with our equestrian partners. The task at hand is challenging enough, but when you add the butterflies and nerves that many of us take into the show ring, the seemingly simple act of riding a horse can seem downright overwhelming and often humbling. Bending our bodies to the proper position, communicating clearly with our mounts, conquering our nerves and our doubts: It can seem a physical and mental gauntlet.

This is where my yoga sets in....

I use specific asana sequences daily to constantly prepair my body as best as I'm able to keep up with my horse. It's a physically demanding sport. Nerves getting the better of me? Not with breathing exercises at my fingertips. Taking a few slow, measured breaths immediatly puts nerves at bay, bringing me into the present moment. That's what yoga is all about. Clearing the mind chatter. Staying present.

A rider who is balanced in mind, body, and spirit will instill confidence, symmetry, and focus in their horse. Dedicating a few minutes to key yoga exercises can help open your muscles, improve your balance and focus your mind for the ride ahead. I couldn't imagine riding without it.

Can't wait to see these two mares for Region 7 Championships soon! RD Odessa Bay & Knights Jewel. xo

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