#100DaysOfYBL | Camel Pose
Day 1 and starting late so I’m a few days behind the rest of the #100DayProject crew. That said, backbends are some of my favorite asanas to practice. Talk about an instant boost in heart opening love, relief from anxiety and stress, plus most of them look pretty darn cool. Here is my variation on Camel Pose / Ustrasana.
Connect and follow this journey with me on Instagram: @YogaByLindsay
Hey - I wanna be a camel & join the zoo... How to do the classic, never-goes-outta style version:
1. Kneel on the floor, knees hips width apart. Keep thighs perpendicular to the floor (stacked over the knees). Rotate your inner thighs in and back slightly to widen the lower back while keeping gluts muscles relaxed. Firmly press the tops of feet and shins into the floor.
2. Place palms on the back of pelvis. Gently encourage the tailbone down and slightly forward. Inhale to lift chest, sending shoulder blades against the back of the ribs.
3. Start to lean back, keeping head up/ chin to sternum for now. Release hands from pelvis and start to reach for ankles / heels. Turn arms out as they reach so elbow creases face forward. Keep thighs perpendicular to floor and inner thighs rotating in. If compression is felt in the low back, reach for blocks placed just outside of feet for additional height or tuck toes under elevating the heels.
4. Soften front ribs while lifting front hip bones up. Next lift back ribs away from the pelvis to elongate the spine, eliminating compression. Options for head and neck to remain toward sternum bone, come into neutral or drop head back. Ensure breathing and neck muscles are not strained.
5. To Exit: Return hands to back of pelvis to support lower back. If head is back, lead with the heart / sternum bone. Come to starting kneeling position. Rest back into Child’s Pose.
6. Give yourself a pat on the back for joining the zoo.