After being completly inspired by @karatelarson's #100DaysStoryTelling (medium.com/@karatelarson/), I was driven to bring you #100DaysOfYBL / #100DaysOfYoga.
For the next 100 days, I promise you, me, my dog, the ants under our feet and the world some awesome, sweet & amzing yoga gem's. I hope to inspire you to create in your own way, just as @KarateLarson, @elleluna and @greatdiscontent have done for me. Follow my journey here (YogaByLindsay.com), on instagram (@YogaByLindsay) and perhals even by a pigeon message.
I'm excited for where this path will lead and thank you for joining.
#Stress #HealthyLiving #The100DayProject #100DaysofYBL #100DaysofYoga #commitment #create #inspire #inspiration #process #trusttheprocess #encouragement #challenge #yoga #MyYogaMyWay #BetterForIt #SweatADay #BadYogi #JustDoIt #NowStartsNow #YogaForAthletes #YogaForEquestrians #TravelingMats #YogaJournal #CamelPose #Ustrasana #Studio1140 #StayForTheExhale